Sorry, I needed a place to post this.
"Fallacies in the World of Communication"
Currently, in these political times, as a nation we are more divided than ever. With what seems to be the most ignorant business man at the helm of our law, it seems as if his draconian rule may never quite halt to a stop. The president then, is much like a demiurge: a Ialdaboath amongst the clay-born. This anxiety is magnified with the large amount of fraudulent news websites spouting out none sense involving politics, getting both the educated and the vapid stuck in a sense of spurious confusion, not unlike a rip current. So, with both a potentially unpredictable, and therefore untrustworthy man steering America along for a ride, and with all the false information coming out from the wily bastards who craft it, we all can understand the reasoning for this upheaval of stress upon US civilians.But what are we to do in such unsure times? Technology was made for the purpose of improving our day to day lives, after all; however, when it is used to spread the fallacies of man it is easy to assume that something must be done for us to make the proper decisions and take the proper actions for our country as a whole. Especially since fake news sites do have real effects on voting patterns and law-based decision-making. It may also be hard for most, if not all, Americans to trust a single star upon the flag with things like the disruption of privacy and laws that may affect our personal lives: such as whether or not my homosexual friend can stay married to what is called in the gay community a, "Power top bear". It is necessary then for us to discover the validity of such news sites before making any decisions based upon them, because these fraudulent websites will still exist even if we pay them no attention. The government cannot, due to the constitution, prevent websites from spreading this information, as it presents no legal harm. That is, until, a man or woman makes a political decision based off of the false knowledge it spreads.
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